Sleep Easy

We have supported top organizations to increase productivity, performance, wellness, and safety to enhance their bottom line.

Join Companies & Organizations Who Are Sleeping Easy

Read Testimonials

81.6% slept better using the Sleep Easy Method

In a published study involving United Airlines pilots, Police Departments, Fire Departments, and the general public.
Journal of Sleep Disorders and Therapy.

"Sleep Disorders are a public health epidemic."

- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention


of employees suffer from sleep issues


of employees sleep less than 6 hours night


of employees with sleep disorders are at risk for chronic medical issues


fall asleep on the job at least once per week

Read the Full Report Asleep on the Job: The Causes and Consequences of Employees' Disrupted Sleep and How Employers Can Help >

1, 2, 4: Asleep on the Job: The Causes and Consequences of Employees’ Disrupted Sleep and How Employers Can Help. Jennifer Turgiss, DrPH, MS, Vice President, Health Solutions, Director, Virgin Pulse Institute, 2014. 3: Clinical correlates of insomnia in patients with chronic illness. Katz DA, McHorney CA, Archives of Internal Medicine, 1998.

How much are sleep-related issues costing your company?

Find out the savings to your company by participating in a Sleep Wellness program.

The Sobering Impact of Poor Sleep on Business


  • Accidents & Injuries
  • Liability & Risk
  • Depression & Irritability
  • Stress & Anxiety
  • Heart Disease, Diabetes & Stroke
  • Healthcare Cost & Medical Expenses
  • Sick Day Absenteeism & Presenteeism
  • Turnover Rates


  • Performance & Productivity
  • Morale
  • Reaction Time
  • Decision-making Skills & Concentration
  • Creativity & Problem Solving
  • Health & Wellness
  • Emotional Well-being
  • Profitability

Read the McKinsey Report on "The Organizational Cost of Insufficient Sleep" >


Sleep Issues Are Costing You Money.

According to Harvard Business Review & National Safety Council, sleep difficulties have significant impact on companies annually including:

Estimate your Return on Investment in a Sleep Wellness program >



Estimated cost savings for a 1,000 person company participating in a Sleep Health program.

Sleep deprivation is dangerous.

Every worker who is not getting enough sleep increases the risk and liability for a company. Thousands of lives are lost every year and countless more work-related injuries are incurred due to vehicle, mechanical, medical, and factory related accidents caused by sleep issues.

These incidents affect company's morale, public image, and cause significant direct and indirect expenses.

Havard University

Unfortunately, it has become evident that the effects of poor sleep can be disastrous.

Providing employee sleep programs mitigates company risk and liability exposure. A little investment goes a long way.


"The nuclear plant disaster at Chernobyl, which took place at 1:30 a.m., is linked to human error influenced by sleepiness." [7]

Exxon Valdez Oil Spill

"... the [Exxon Valdez Oil Spill] accident was consistent with a sleep-related or fatigue-related error." [8]

The Challenger Explosion

"... the Space Shuttle Challenger Accident did cite the contribution of human error and poor judgment related to sleep loss..." [6]

American Airlines Flight 1420

..."Contributing to the accident were the flight crew's impaired performance resulting from fatigue..." [9]

[6] Mitler, M., Carskadon, M., Czeisler, C., Dement, W., Dinges, D., & Graeber, R. (1988, February). Catastrophes, sleep, and public policy: Consensus report. [7] National Sleep Foundation. The Relationship Between Sleep and Industrial Accidents. [8] Jones, S. (2016, July 01). Records detail long hours worked by crew of Exxon Valdez. [9] Federal Aviation Administration. American Airlines Flight 1420, MD-82, N215AA.


"It's incumbent upon all of us who run companies, and all of us, to make sure that people can...have the ability to get a good night's sleep"

- Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook

"If [our employees] can prove they get 20 nights of sleep for seven hours or more in a row, we will give them $25 a night, up $500 a year"

- Mark Bertolini, CEO of Aetna

"The way to a more productive, more inspired, more joyful life is getting enough sleep."

- Arianna Huffington, Founder of The Huffington Post

"Eight hours of sleep makes a big difference for me…for me, that’s the needed amount to feel energized and excited."

- Jeff Besos, CEO of Amazon

"The real secret is the most successful people have awareness of what their body needs and sleep whenever necessary."

- Eric Schmidt, Executive Chairman of Alphabet


While most Sleep Wellness Programs simply provide information, we provide clinically-proven sleep treatments that work.

Sleep Easy Corporate Programs utilize a unique combination of world-renown sleep experts, clinical-proven programs, innovative technology, and sleep education for health, safety and productivity.

Why provide Sleep Easy for your company?

Why Companies Are Loving Sleep Easy

"As we have a significant number of employees who work graveyard, swing and rotating shifts, we are constantly searching for ways to address healthy sleep habits. The Sleep Easy program has been helpful to us as it addresses a behavioral approach to treating insomnia - rather than a pharmacological one - which we believe is a better long-term solution."

- Robin Gerstler, Manager, Coors Wellness Center, Coors Brewery Company, Golden, CO

"Getting a good night's sleep is an important issue for many of our employees. Dr. Shane's seminar is informative, experiential and effective-providing an excellent process for managing sleep. His excellent interpersonal and facilitation skills take this sensitive issue and make it safe and comfortable for the employees at Marathon Oil."

- Maureen Entrup, Local Wellness Manager for Marathon Oil, Denver, CO

"In our pressure packed profession, a good day depends upon a good night's rest - and we felt your Sleep Easy symposium was very beneficial to all of those who attended. At night when listening to the recording I feel asleep before even getting to the really helped."

- Michael D. Nosler, Esq., Managing Partner, Rothgerber Johnson & Lyons LLP, Denver, CO

"I have been involved in long haul flying on the 767-400 and more recently 787 flying system. I have learned the absolute necessity of quality sleep for operational reasons, in addition to the health benefits. Sleep Easy had me soundly asleep before recording was finished. I believe Dr. Shane has discovered something of true significance in the field of sleep."

- Captain Charles Henry, United Airlines Pilot U152058

"Your Sleep Easy symposium was one of the most successful presentations in Westminster's training history. I have received rave reviews concerning your medication-free sleeping technique. Thank you again for your enthusiasm."

- Nicole Cameron, M.S., Coordinator, City of Westminster Employee Wellness Program

"I attended your workshop in Texas, listened to your Sleep Easy program and I would like to thank you. I feel after listening to the relaxing steps to help distress, that you had created that just for me. Thank you for your time and research in this field."

- Bruce Holt, Lieutenant, Seaside Police Department, Seaside, OR

What Do You Get?

Sleep Easy Corporate Wellness Program



  • All Employees Access to The Sleep Easy 14 Day Sleep Program Technology
  • Links to Recorded Webinars
  • Links to 100 Sleep Challenge Treatments
  • Links to Mindset Content


  • Comporate Awareness Webinars
    • Physiology of Sleep
    • Sleep Hygiene
    • How to Use The Sleep Easy 14 Day Core Program


  • Employee Discounts 6 Week Sleep Easy Program
    • 1:1 Sessions with Sleep Therapist
    • Focus on Individual Sleep Challenges
    • Guided through 14 day Sleep Easy Core Treatment Program

Additional Corporate Offerings

Sleep Easy's Corporate Sleep Programs offer corporations customized and clinically-proven solutions to address the issue of Sleep Wellness targeting performance and health improvements that benefit both employers and employees. We offer customized sleep education and training initiatives for sustainable sleep improvement, enhancing the lives of all employees both at work and at home. Our programs are tailored to serve the strategic goals, workplace culture, workforce demographics and budget of our clients.

Benefit What You Get
Pre & Post Program Assessments Clinically-developed Sleep Survey is designed to assess your employee's sleep health and track company performance over time. Aggregate data from the survey is compiled into a detailed report and is used to help identify company sleep trends and develop strategic performance outcomes for your customized sleep program. (Annual value $5.000)
Keynote Presentation & Corporate Sleep Workshop In-person inspirational and educational talks & workshops designed to engage your company with compelling sleep research, sleep science data, and provide program educaiton to create a foundation for permanent and life-changing sleep solutions. (Value $7.500)
Sleep Metrics & Reminders Personalized reminders and sleep metrics to track your improvement.
Sleep Education & Sleep Hygiene Resources Sleep resources are designed to inform employees about the importance of sleep for healthy living and hight performance, and provide education on habits for better sleep.
Ask the Doctor Support Access to Dr. Sane & Sleep experts via email or phone consultation to answer questions and receive support. (Value $2.500-$10.000+)
Weekly Live Q&A Sessions with Dr. Shane & other Sleep Experts Join Dr. Shane and other Sleep Easy experts for weekly Live Q&A Sessions in our online community where employees can receive support and get sleep & wellness questions answered. (Annual value $12.000)
Productivy Reports & Dashboards We provide a data-driven analytics for your HR and team leaders, so you'll be able to identify problem areas, track progress and make company adjustments. (Annual value $5.000)
Company Policy & Culture Consultation Based on employee assessments and key decision maker surveys, our expert sleep consultants provide detailed reports and data analysis to advise you on best practices and policies related to sleep issues, including travel, scheduling, shiftwork, safety precautions, work-time limits, napping rooms, smart technology to improve sleep, fatigue risk management and other strategies for addressing workplace challenges associated with sleep. (Annual value $5.000)
Sleep Program Awareness Collateral We work with you to provide program awareness assets to educate and engage management and employees to maximize the adoption of your employees into the Sleep Easy program in your company. (Annual value $5.000)

Sleep Wellness is a Good Return on Investment


Sleep Easy Corporate Team

We are global leaders providing sleep-health solutions for businesses everywhere. We help your staff permorm at its best. Our team of sleep experts and corporate sleep consultants is led by internationally recognized sleep clinician Dr. Richard Shane. For more than 25 years Dr. Richard Shane has specialized in treating insomnia and related sleep difficulties. He has worked and conducted research with police and fire departments, corporate clients, and the general public to address seriuos safety and health issues associated with sleep difficulties. Dr. Shane works nationally as a behavioral sleep consultant and with several large medical groups serving over 300,000 patients. Dr. Richard Shane and his team has conducted research which has led to the development of the Sleep Easy Method, a clinically-proven treatment demostrating 81.6% efficacy rate (Journal of Sleep Disorders and Therapy, May 2016) Dr. Richard Shane and the Sleep Easy Method has been featured in Men's Journal, Shape, Dr. Oz the Good Life, Huffington Post, Reader's Digest, Sleep Review, Innovation News, and over 100 other publications and journals.

We would love to be your sleep consultant.

It is real. It is proven. It is the MOST critical wellness initiative you can invest in. And we're here to help.

"Insufficient sleep is the #1 "silent killer" of business."

McKinsey Report, The Organizational Cost of Insufficient Sleep, 2018